Information about the processing of personal data
Information about Personal Data Protection
1. Professionals s.r.o. (Ltd.), with registered office at V Celnici 4, Praha 110 00, IČ (Business Id. No.) 25 720 724, registered at the Municipal Court in Prague, section C, insert 64186, in the sense of the Regulation (EU) of the European Parliament and of the Council 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (hereinafter referred to as the General Data Protection Regulation), processes the following personal information:
- first name and surname
- company name
- telephone number
2. It is necessary to process the first name, surname, e-mail address and telephone number for the creation of an offer of services, negotiations concerning this offer or for the purpose of a response to an inquiry from you. Such processing is enabled by the provision of Section 5 paragraph 2 letter b) of the Personal Data Protection Act. This personal data shall be processed by the company Professionals, s.r.o. during the period of negotiations concerning the conclusion of a contract between you and Professionals s.r.o., for a maximum period of 1 year following your inquiry, unless you provide consent for further processing.
3. Processing of personal data is performed by the company Professionals s.r.o., thus by the processor of personal data, although personal data may also be processed for this company by the following processors: Datasense s.r.o., IČ (Business Id. no): 24664812, with registered office at Sokolovská 270/201, Vysočany - Praha 9, 190 00, or by other providers of processing software, services and applications.
4. Please take into account the fact that in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act you have the following rights:
- to withdraw your consent at any time,
- to request that we provide you with information about what personal data of yours we are processing,
- to request an explanation from us with regard to the processing of personal data,
- to request that we provide you with access to this data, and to have this data updated or corrected,
- to demand the erasure of this personal data,
- in the case of doubts concerning the adherence to obligations in connection with the processing of personal data, to contact us or the Office for Personal Data Protection.